Locally owned and operated, Big Sky Drilling’s mission is to provide high quality geotechnical, environmental, and shallow well drilling services in the Intermountain-Northwest region. It is our goal to satisfy the individual project needs of our clients by providing high quality service in a responsive manner. In-house geotechnical drilling capabilities allow for timely fieldwork for geotechnical projects. We are committed to our goals and plan to continually improve services by expanding equipment capabilities to include remote access and specialty drilling services with skilled operators and attention to our client’s needs.
Big Sky Subsurface maintains a fleet of subsurface drilling equipment including a truck mounted CME 75 and track mounted CME 55 auger rig equipped for hollow and solid stem augers, mud rotary, wet coring, direct push, and tri-cone or drag-bit drilling. The drilling division has recently added Seismic/Static Cone Penetrometer (SCPT/CPT) testing capability with a 60,000 pound trailer mounted pushing unit and a self-contained truck mounted CPT system. Additionally drill rigs have been retrofitted to allow for use with the most current triaxial cone electronics. Big Sky Subsurface is the only geotechnical consulting firm in Montana (and operates the only CPT truck in the state) with the latest, state-of-the-art SCPT equipment. The company has a wide array of hand operated coring, augering, and surveying equipment.

CME 75

Track mounted CME 55 High Torque with variable mast height

20 ton, 6 wheel drive CPT truck

Current Drilling/Sampling Capabilities
- Hollowstem drilling with 2 1/4", 3 1/4", 3 3/4", 4 1/4", 6 5/8”, and 10 1/4" ID augers
- Solid stem auger drilling to 8”
- HWT casing advancer
- Continuous rock coring with N series casing
- Mud rotary and rock bit drilling
- SPT testing with automatic hydraulic drop hammer
- Continuous SPT test head
- CPT and SCPT truck conversion
- Shelby tube and Modified California sampling
- Direct push samplers with liners
- Observation well construction
- Additional tooling/capabilities added continually